
100 Days | 09

Stitching: Loads of knitting, and a lovely Wilder Gown in fabric that I bought on our first day off from filming the bee but been buried under other superceding things.

My quilt stitch adventure keeps going and the bee has taken flight. I didn't expect this!

Looking out at a new year, I have learnt to not second guess where life will lead.

This doesn't mean we can't take little steps in a direction that makes sense in the moment. Just be prepared to spread those wings and buzz when you get the scent of nectar!

I suppose I’ve become so used to doing this now that sometimes I forget the hibernation part. Hibernation makes the taking flight possible. Hibernation and being restored again is all part of it.

Although bees don’t really hibernate. They retreat into their hives and feast on the honey they’ve stored during warmer months.

{ think about: }

The honey I made over this year’s seasons.


A Project That Takes Its Time